Scaffolding Solutions is pleased to announce that our 2023 Experience Modification Rating is .68!
Experience Modification Rating, or EMR, is the insurance industry’s company worker’s experience risk rating. 1.0 is average, over +1.0 is higher risk, and lower than 1.0 EMR is a safer rating.
In 2022, our EMR has been .87, .84, and .80.
“This is a phenomenal, near-perfect experience rating based on our cumulative last three years of worker injury incidents against the actuarialists’ assessed incidents and costs for our type of work. We are nearing a theoretical 0 for our business workers’ profile”, said Roger Jetton, Scaffolding Solutions president.
This is BIG and VERY GOOD!
We’re very thankful and proud of each and every one of our team members for actively contributing to our stellar safety record.
Keep up the great work, team!